So this is the third time I've tried to start up a blog on here. The other two times I wrote a couple of posts and that was the end of it. Maybe this time I'll keep it up. Maybe.
2010 is starting out good so far!
- Caleb's back at school and reading so well! I'm so proud of him. He's making a lot of new friends at his new school (where he started at the beginning of December)and he really likes his teacher. It's still a little hectic getting him back and forth everyday. I'll be very relieved to be in our house and just walk him to the bus stop (that will probably be right in front of our house).
I'm really thankful for my dad working from home, too. When I take Caleb in the morning, my mom (while she's getting ready for work) or my dad (taking a break from work) will watch Anna. And usually Anna is sleeping when I leave to pick Caleb up, so my dad just listens for her and I don't have to get her up from her nap. Of course this week requires a little tweaking since my parents are in Colorado. Oh well, baby just comes along! :)
- Anna is still pulling up on everything and crawling everywhere. I think she'll walk soon. Sometimes she stands there with one hand on the furniture looking like she wants to just take off, then she gets down and starts crawling. :)
She has started waking up at night. It actually started right after we moved in with my parents. I think it's because her crib is in the room where Chris and I sleep. So, she wakes up and yells at us and we have nowhere to go! :) Right now I'm appeasing her, but once we're in the house the training to sleep through the night will begin, whether it's not feeding her, just rocking her, or letting her whine a little. At her age there's no reason for her to need to eat at night. And I'm so exhausted right now as it is growing this baby, I need the sleep! She goes to sleep for bedtime and naptime with absolutely no problems, not even a whine. I'm very happy about that and being able to spend the no-stress evening with Chris.
She's getting two more teeth, one on either side of her two bottom teeth - I can see them. That would make it a grand total of eight teeth!
- My pregnancy is moving along pretty well so far (and as far as I know). I think I'm about 7 1/2 - 8 weeks along. So far, just the exhaustion and superhuman smelling power seem to be my only symptoms. I also get dizzy really easily. Not getting my hopes up yet, though. I didn't start really feeling sick with Anna until about 8 weeks, so it could come any day. My first doctor appointment is January 20th so after that I should know more of around when I'm due (then add about a week - my kids evidently like to show up fashionably late). I guess that's when I'll have my cute little pregnancy ticker up. :)
- Chris's birthday is on Wednesday. The big 3-0. I've been meaning to ask him how he feels about that. I'm curious what he'll say. Thirty sounded so old when I was a kid and now it still sounds so young. I'm going to take advantage of the only year that I will still be in my twenties and he's in his thirties. Maybe I'll rub it in a little. He won't care at all, but it'll make me feel better. :) For his birthday we're going to Chili's. Sounds boring, right? So not boring. About a year ago (maybe more) they took out all of the Chili's restaurants in our area. It's Chris's favorite place to eat and he hasn't had it since. There's a Chili's about 35-40 minutes from us so we're making the drive and I'm buying him some dinner. Then we'll go to church in Portland since it'll be closer for us.
- I'm going to skip details on the house in order not to bore you. I need to take new pictures and post them. It is coming along, but it will still be a couple more weeks until it's move-in ready. And the inside is beginning to not match the outside. I can't wait to get my hands on the yard and fix up the look of the outside in the spring.
Guess I was feeling chatty today.
Have a great week!
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