Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bear with me, please.

I've been needing to do a post about the kids and what they're doing and all of that, while I remember, and because I want to keep relatives living far away up to date on them. This first post is all about Anna.

My Sweet Anna

Anna is crawling/cruising everywhere. She's not at all interested in walking, guess she figures she can get where she wants to go by crawling so why bother learning something new? She has a love/hate relationship with Caleb...already. Sometimes she follows him around everywhere and loves to play with him and sometimes she doesn't want anything to do with him and she takes a whack at him if he comes too close.

As I've said before, she loves her food. She sits with us at the dinner table in her Bumbo and eats bits of whatever we eat. I finally have her trained so she doesn't yell at us when she wants more. Now she says "ease" (Please). I've tried to teach her some baby signs, but she's never done any. Caleb was like that too, as a baby. He talked so early that he'd rather say it than sign it. She loves to talk jibberish. It's usually non-words that end in "ish". She loves making that sound. If you ask her where your nose is, she can point to it. She can also point out your eye and she can say "eye". If you ask for a kiss, she'll kiss you - mouth wide open so watch out.

And I should point out that as much of a Mommy's girl as she is, she has not said "Mama" yet. She says "Daddy" and she has a word she uses for Caleb (something like "Daybe" - sounds nothing like Caleb). She's saving the best for last, I guess. ;)

It figures, her hair is hopeless. She has beautiful hair in the back of her head but on the top, it sticks up in funny places and it's so fine and light that you can see through it. (We call it a baby mullet.) She has to wear headbands because there's no way a bow will stay in it. Oh well, she'll get hair eventually and then I can have my fun. :)

Whenever she hears music, she dances. Bobs her head up and down, then shakes it side to side.

I can't believe she'll be a year old in a month and a half! Where did the time go?

A perfect example of her hair... Photobucket


Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

Love her, love her, love her! And miss her like crazy!

Beverley said...

She's so dang cute! Lucy misses her!