Thursday, February 18, 2010

House, Baby #3, and Loose Tooth

In that order.

I think we're going to try to move into the house this weekend! The last steps are cleaning and getting all the baseboards caulked. When Anna wakes up from her nap, I'm going to take the kids and get started on the cleaning part. I'm itching to get in there and clean up all the paint brushes, paint cans and supplies and take up all the drop clothes and vacuum. Plus it's a beautiful day for Caleb to play in the backyard over there. (I love that we have a big yard for him now!!)

I had my 12 week screening U/s last week and everything came back perfect. Baby is looking great. What a blessing. I had my monthly doctor's appointment yesterday. I decided to have Chris, Caleb, and Anna come with me. My doctor hasn't seen Anna since I had her so she really enjoyed seeing her. And, like he did when I was pregnant with Anna, Caleb got to help squirt the jelly on my stomach so we could hear the baby's heartbeat. It took a little while to find the baby. That was a little nerve-wracking. The doctor kept reassuring me that I was measuring right on and the baby was just a little higher than she thought. Still, the whole couple of minutes she couldn't hear anything but my heartbeat and was moving the doppler all around, I kept thinking "What if something is wrong? What will Caleb remember about this? How will this affect him if something is wrong?" Way to put my trust in God, I know. :oz Baby was found and heartbeat was good. Lesson learned that I need to calm myself down.

Caleb has his first loose tooth. It's about time. He got his first two teeth at 5 months old so I was sure they would fall out early too. Well, earlier than this. I was looking at his loose tooth this morning and realized that his adult tooth is already halfway in behind it. That's not supposed to happen right? I don't remember it happening with my sisters or me. I plan on calling the dentist this afternoon just to see what they say. Do any of you know if that is normal?

Alright I'm off to enjoy this beautiful day and get some things accomplished. Have a good Thursday!

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